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net@night episode 89

Great show, complete with appearances by Amber Macarthur and's Drew Curtis!

Click the image below for the full video. Oh, and before you say anything- yes, I realize I'm horizontally stretched out and vaguely resemble both the emperor from Star Wars and a hippo. But the screen grab is otherwise quite lovely, no?

Check out my previous appearances on net@night:

Episode 88 - With Lifehacker's Gina Trapani

Episode 87 - With "Getting Things Done" author David Allen


TWiF Theme Song Showdown! 

On Friday's episode of TWiF, Martin and I played (and danced to) our very first TWiF theme song submission. Gotta say, it was pretty rad. Today I received what I consider the first worthy challenger, totally different but also pretty rad. At this point, I think it's only fair to let you all choose who advances to the next round. TWiF is a democracy, after all. Or something like that.

CHAMP: TWiF by GabeMcG

CHALLENGER: TWiF by Stewart Peck

Post your favorite in the comments section. Winner takes all. Oh, and if you think you can beat both these songs, post a link to your effort in the comments section or email me.


This WEEK in FUN Episode 7!

Good news... Leo's actively working on getting sponsors for TWiF and we're going to offer the show (complete with back episodes) on the TWiT network very soon. Hurrah!!

Click the image below for the full video, pre-show gossip and all!

Oh, and I love our new theme song, but I'm willing to have a musical TWiF-off. Can you beat it? WELL CAN YOU, PUNK?


net@night Episode 88

Bonus: Enjoy a little setup convo before the real "show" begins. This episode's guest was Lifehacker's smart/funny/cool Gina Trapani. Thanks Gina! Oh, and a special appearance from Lucy, too. She's working on her first iPhone app (something about sardines and Yelp).

Click the image below for the full video.

Watch my first appearance on net@night when you're done!


Marry Me, Ely Kim

Or, let's just hit the club. Up to you.

PS- Pretty sure I like 037 the best. Light tricks!

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