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This Week in Fun Episode 10!

My goodness, I can't believe we've already had our tenth episode anniversary! It's a beautiful thing. Martin wasn't able to be in studio this time around, but I think it worked out pretty well via Skype. Enjoy the magic, plus some behind-the-scenes setup beforehand!

Click on the image below for a link to the full video. Remember, we shoot live every Friday at 3 PM Pacific at Join us and chat!


De La Vault: Sarah Needs You Tonight

I know, I know. I'm an embarrassment. I just have no shame at all. None. Enjoy this little gem recorded approximately one year ago. Hop over to its Vimeo page to watch it in HD.


Fewer Words, More Video

I didn't mean to make the last couple months nothing but video links to shows I've been hosting, but that's sort of what it's turned into. Sorry! I promise to overshare long-winded stories again real soon.

For now, enjoy my friend Heidi (AKA Heido) and her son Zack goofing around at one of my very favorite hippie brunch haunts, Cafe Gratitude. Ovaries.... aching.....


net@night episode 90

Darn, the top of this video is cut off too. I guess if you love the show (why wouldn't you) and you want to hear it every week (of course you do), and you don't mind audio-only (you could just look at pictures of me and Leo... same thing-ish?), just subscribe to net@night for the entire transcript!

For now, enjoy this episode, where I do my best Violet Beauregarde impression. Just click on the image below for the full video.

When you're done, don't cry.. just check out my previous net@night episodes in the archives!


This Week in FUN Episode 8!

Sadly, the beginning of the show wasn't captured this week, and that's a bummer as this was my favorite episode thus far. Rest assured you only missed a few minutes, but I'm sorry in advance. However, we're capturing everything from the TWiT cottage as we record and it does exist in hi-rez, somewhere. I'm so thankful to the folks for helping us out, but I think we all agree it's time to take this show to the next level.

I've spoken to Leo about this and he's working on a solution, but it might take a few weeks. So, here's what you can do to help speed up the process: write to leoATleovilleDOTcom or on Twitter at @leolaporte and let him know you want to see us make TWiF a full-length, downloadable, subscribable show. We the community can make magic happen!

For now, enjoy TWiF 8 by clicking on the image below for the full video. Hurrah!

If you haven't already, check out all of our previous TWiF episodes in the "This Week in Fun" category archive!

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