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Just another day at the TWiT cottage

I love working with the TWiT team, especially on days like the one below, when Brian Brushwood helped Leo Laporte eat fire for the first time. Yep.

(Watch in HD)

Here's the This Week in TECH episode associated with these shenanigans. I've been by more than a few folks that it's their favorite TWiT episode ever, which is a really big compliment. :)

And of course, if you haven't already, you should subscribe to my other show, This Week in FUN, where my buddy Martin Sargent and I wax inappropriate for roughly an hour every week! Oh, and if you want to watch us record the show live, you can! Just tune into every Friday at 3 pm Pacific time. Good times!


This Week in FUN: big news!

Hey, have you heard the good word? This Week in Fun is an official podcast, and we have you to thank. Thanks!

Q: What do I do if I haven't done anything yet?

A: Excellent question!

Subscribe to the series here (don't worry, back episodes will be added ASAP) : TWiF:

Or click the image below to subscribe via iTunes:

As of this blog post date, we're #25 on iTunes Top Podcasts, which is pretty freaking awesome.

To all those who watch our live stream every Friday at 3 pm Pacific, don't worry, we're still live and direct! It's just that if you can't make the time, you can download the file and listen at your leisure. Oh, and video is 100% on the way. Audio's just the beginning. Great news all around.

Thanks to everyone who's supported Martin and me thus far (especially Leo and the TWiT team who help us do our thing every week... you guys are the best).


The Digg Reel - An Intergalactic Experience

So, the folks at Revision3 asked if I'd guest-host this week's Digg Reel, and I was again happy to oblige.

A little background on why in this particular episode I come off like a psycho: 1) I actually am a psycho, 2) as I was writing my lines late one night, I randomly threw in an incredibly corny spaceship-themed joke and made myself myself laugh and it just snowballed from there and I couldn't stop. I actually woke up the next day thinking it would be a good idea TO HOST THE SHOW AS IF I WAS LIVING IN OUTER SPACE. I'm not kidding. This is how nonsensical my sense of humor actually is. You should get a load of some of my self-rejected material. Actually you shouldn't. I assume you like me and I don't want to give you nightmares.

The day of the shoot I even tore through my closet looking for anything slightly resembling a Star Trek outfit. Clearly I didn't have much to work with, but I applaud my effort. ;)

Some of my favorite comments about this episode on the Rev3 message boards so far:

Wow .. I really don't like you at all .. Except for the looks maybe

ahh sarah... i'd hit it

please keep sarah lane off any and all revision3 shows, she ... well, isn't great :S

As a leg man, I approve those Jeans!

I'm telling you, these boards are THE BEST!



This Week in Fun Episode 11!

Had a great time with Martin via Skype and our in-studio guest, Lisa Bettany!

Solid show all around. The best part? Talking to Leo after we were done with the "show" about making TWiF a full-fledged audio podcast NEXT WEEK, with video on the way! Hooray! Patience is a virtue. I'm so grateful to work with such a bunch of fabulous nerds.

Click the image below for the full video, + behind-the-scenes goodness!

I love the interactivity of the chat room(s) when we're live, but I also want to bring you guys into the show in other ways. Post any cool ideas in the comments, and we'll start playing on next week's show!

Want to catch up on previous TWiF episodes? Hop over to the archives.


net@night Episode 93!

Hey all, some good news in the world of net@night: although Amber has taken the reigns back after a bit of maternity leave, she and Leo have asked me to be a part of the show on a weekly basis! Pretty cool. I know I owe it to all of you who sent in really positive feedback during the episodes I guest-hosted. Thanks!

I'm thrilled about staying with the show because 1) net@night is 100% my content forte, a dream show really, and 2) Amber and Leo are two of the best people I could ask to hang out with and talk about the web on a regular basis.

Here's this week's show (complete with a guest appearance from the lovely iJustine). I hop in right after the CoverItLive interview, just past the halfway mark. Leo likes to make it seem like i'm just *dying* to get in on the show, even though they told me to call at a specific time and then didn't pick up. :) Click on the image below for the full video (I couldn't resist this screen cap... see how gaga I am over Amber?)

Check out my other net@night appearances in the archives!

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